The main contact people are
Sandy (Espinoza) Franco
Kathleen Hanrahan.
Anybody else want to help?!
greetings! just a brief update and request...the location has been chosen by Great Reunions
i look forward to seeing everyone and dancing the nite away!
- need to know if there is anyone out there that would like to help organize / help out with the fine tuning of the nite...please let me know...
- need updated / current contact info for everyone-this will not be shared with anyone else without your expressed permission.
- any faculty members you would like to see at the reunion? let me know so i can forward the name(s).
- any special songs that we absolutely have to have at the reunion? forward the titles / artist...
- any other questions / comments / rants or raves. please contact me and let me know!
love ya!